Hollandia Premium 5% 330ml Dós 24 stk
frá Hollandia
Vörunúmer 500201-24
24stk -
A light beer, brewed with high-quality hop, wheat, malt and pure water. Smooth in flavour with a bitter that manifests itself in the aftertaste. Light-coloured and clear beer with a sweet nose of grain and citrus fruits. On the palete, this continues with the sweet-bitter flavour of hop and malt, tones of citrus fruits and a clean aftertaste. A quick finish concludes with a slightly bitter tone that leaves a dry finish
Type | Pilsener |
Ingredients | Water, wheat, malt, hop extract |
Fermentation | Low fermentation |
Aroma | Sweet, malt, hop and citrus fruits |
Flavour | Grain, hop and malt |
Color | Light-coloured, EBC: 7 |
Clearness | Clear |
Bitterness | EBU: 22 |
Sweetness | |
Texture | Light and carbonated |
Combines with | Deep-fried snacks such as Calamari (squid rings in beer batter), young cheeses, Asian dishes, hearty and spicy meat dishes, charcoal grilled meat dishes. |